1 Bird years are the number of seasons a player has gone without changing teams via free agency. When a player is traded, he maintains his bird years.
Contract Values
1 MAX contracts are normally 1/4th of the Salary Cap. The diagram below is based on a 48 million Salary Cap. Essentially players with 6 or less years of experience get 1/4th of the Cap as the starting point for a MAX contract. As a players experience grows, the amount of his first year MAX grows as well.
2 Salary based on experience:
All are max offers, non Birds:
1-6 years exp: Year 1: $10,500,000 Year 2: $11,550,000 Year 3: $12,600,000 Year 4: $13,650,000 Year 5: $14,700,000 Year 6: $15,750,000
7-9 years exp: 1st year: 14,400,000 Rest of contract: 15,840,000 17,280,000 18,720,000 20,160,000 21,600,000