Post by Brophdog88 on Mar 6, 2022 2:07:36 GMT -8
Net Attribute gain by Team:
Of course, this isnt the end all be all of gains, it really matters who makes the gains/losses on the team, but still a fun note.
Wizards definitely had some big gains in TC, as could be seen in the other article, same with my team having 3 players on the +3 or more list, which contributes a lot.
Net Attribute Change by Position:
This one is a bit more interesting to me. 20 year olds made the biggest gain, but then 23. Once you hit 30, pretty consistent tail off, but even the 36 year olds only lost 1 stat per player. no more than that. Heck, the 37 year olds only had a net loss of 1.
Finally, one that should be a bit more predictable
Net Attribute gain by experience
Yeah, gains happen most in the first three years, as expected.
Here is the breakdown for 0 years experience:
Of course, this isnt the end all be all of gains, it really matters who makes the gains/losses on the team, but still a fun note.
Wizards definitely had some big gains in TC, as could be seen in the other article, same with my team having 3 players on the +3 or more list, which contributes a lot.
|team |count(*)|gain|
|Wizards |15 |14 |
|Rockets |15 |13 |
|Celtics |15 |12 |
|Super Sonics |13 |8 |
|Timberwolves |13 |6 |
|Bucks |14 |5 |
|Jazz |11 |2 |
|Bulls |12 |2 |
|Pistons |12 |1 |
|76ers |15 |1 |
|Cavaliers |13 |0 |
|Kings |14 |0 |
|Hawks |12 |-1 |
|Spurs |10 |-1 |
|Suns |12 |-1 |
|Hornets |12 |-1 |
|Clippers |15 |-1 |
|Mavericks |13 |-2 |
|Trail Blazers|13 |-2 |
|Warriors |10 |-2 |
|Pacers |13 |-3 |
|Knicks |15 |-3 |
|Raptors |13 |-3 |
|Lakers |10 |-4 |
|Nuggets |12 |-4 |
|Grizzlies |11 |-4 |
|Nets |8 |-5 |
|Heat |10 |-7 |
|Magic |12 |-9 |
|FA |137 |-23 |
Net Attribute Change by Position:
|18 |2 |-1 |
|19 |9 |21 |
|20 |19 |12 |
|21 |25 |9 |
|22 |62 |14 |
|23 |40 |19 |
|24 |36 |15 |
|25 |33 |9 |
|26 |36 |-1 |
|27 |22 |6 |
|28 |23 |-9 |
|29 |37 |-2 |
|30 |33 |-18 |
|31 |32 |-16 |
|32 |30 |-19 |
|33 |20 |-17 |
|34 |12 |-11 |
|35 |17 |-15 |
|36 |7 |-7 |
|37 |5 |-1 |
This one is a bit more interesting to me. 20 year olds made the biggest gain, but then 23. Once you hit 30, pretty consistent tail off, but even the 36 year olds only lost 1 stat per player. no more than that. Heck, the 37 year olds only had a net loss of 1.
Finally, one that should be a bit more predictable
Net Attribute gain by experience
|0 |107 |33 |
|1 |64 |38 |
|2 |44 |23 |
|3 |33 |6 |
|4 |23 |-7 |
|5 |25 |-2 |
|6 |25 |-6 |
|7 |20 |-3 |
|8 |29 |-7 |
|9 |25 |-13 |
|10 |26 |-1 |
|11 |14 |-18 |
|12 |18 |-6 |
|13 |11 |-9 |
|14 |9 |-11 |
|15 |10 |-12 |
|16 |9 |-11 |
|17 |6 |-6 |
|18 |2 |0 |
Yeah, gains happen most in the first three years, as expected.
Here is the breakdown for 0 years experience:
|experience|team |name |gain|
|0 |76ers |Werner Killen |-1 |
|0 |76ers |Dick Rosenthal |-1 |
|0 |76ers |Ron Rivers |1 |
|0 |76ers |B.H. Born |-1 |
|0 |Bucks |Tom Marshall |0 |
|0 |Bucks |Slick Leonard |0 |
|0 |Bucks |Don Lance |2 |
|0 |Bucks |Bob Pettit |0 |
|0 |Bucks |Red Morrison |1 |
|0 |Bulls |Solly Walker |-1 |
|0 |Bulls |Bo Erias |0 |
|0 |Bulls |Mel Thompson |2 |
|0 |Bulls |Ron Perry |5 |
|0 |Cavaliers |Al Bianchi |2 |
|0 |Celtics |Boris Nachamkin |-1 |
|0 |Celtics |Larry Costello |3 |
|0 |Celtics |Lou Scott |3 |
|0 |Celtics |Bob Mattick |1 |
|0 |Celtics |Don Lange |1 |
|0 |Celtics |Phil Martin |1 |
|0 |FA |Bill Mann |0 |
|0 |FA |Ron Bontemps |0 |
|0 |FA |Robert Barlow |0 |
|0 |FA |Rodney Porter |0 |
|0 |FA |Ivan Webber |0 |
|0 |FA |Andrew Cho |0 |
|0 |FA |Joe Luchi |0 |
|0 |FA |Jack Turner |1 |
|0 |FA |Arnold Short |1 |
|0 |FA |Bob Carney |0 |
|0 |FA |Stephan Taylor |0 |
|0 |FA |Allen Kelley |1 |
|0 |FA |Michael Feick |0 |
|0 |FA |Nick Revon |0 |
|0 |FA |Sean Biasone |0 |
|0 |FA |Ian Blount |0 |
|0 |FA |Hunter Sabonis |-3 |
|0 |FA |Burt Spice |2 |
|0 |FA |Mateen Augmon |0 |
|0 |FA |Martin Dubroff |-3 |
|0 |FA |William Archibald |-1 |
|0 |FA |Brent Kim |0 |
|0 |FA |Ivan Allen |-2 |
|0 |FA |Nikolas Demler |0 |
|0 |FA |Seth Najera |-2 |
|0 |FA |Bob Massenburg |0 |
|0 |FA |Eddie Bunn |-1 |
|0 |FA |Bernie Janicki |4 |
|0 |FA |Phil Greer |-1 |
|0 |FA |Damon Baker |0 |
|0 |FA |Dan Redd |0 |
|0 |FA |Raul Knight |0 |
|0 |FA |Don Bielke |-1 |
|0 |FA |Javier Santiago |-2 |
|0 |FA |Lorenzo Ndiaye |0 |
|0 |FA |Joe Pehanick |-1 |
|0 |FA |Isaiah Spaulding |0 |
|0 |FA |Angel Strong |0 |
|0 |FA |Ramon Wesley |0 |
|0 |FA |Randy Kim |-2 |
|0 |FA |Grant Murray |-2 |
|0 |FA |Jay Mills |-2 |
|0 |FA |Randy McGrady |-2 |
|0 |FA |Stromile Crum |-2 |
|0 |FA |Christian Mills |0 |
|0 |FA |Bob Heim |0 |
|0 |FA |Troy Burrus |1 |
|0 |FA |Stan Ramsey |0 |
|0 |FA |Rudy D'Emilio |0 |
|0 |FA |Cal Fierro |0 |
|0 |FA |Travis Sundov |0 |
|0 |FA |Len Winogard |1 |
|0 |Grizzlies |Don Anielak |1 |
|0 |Hawks |Ed Kalafat |0 |
|0 |Hornets |Dick Garmaker |1 |
|0 |Hornets |Otto Kriegshauser |-1 |
|0 |Hornets |Jesse Priscock |3 |
|0 |Jazz |Art Spoelstra |1 |
|0 |Knicks |Dutch Burch |1 |
|0 |Knicks |Gus Lovett |0 |
|0 |Lakers |Dan Finch |0 |
|0 |Mavericks |Charles Kraak |-1 |
|0 |Nuggets |Henry Daubenschmidt|0 |
|0 |Pacers |Paul Ebert |0 |
|0 |Rockets |Frank Selvy |1 |
|0 |Rockets |Jim Paxson |2 |
|0 |Rockets |Gene Shue |1 |
|0 |Rockets |Norman Pott |4 |
|0 |Spurs |Bob Brady |0 |
|0 |Spurs |Ben Peters |1 |
|0 |Spurs |Levi Wallace |0 |
|0 |Spurs |Isaac Kitna |-1 |
|0 |Spurs |Nicolas Newcomb |0 |
|0 |Suns |Walt Walowac |1 |
|0 |Suns |Red Davis |2 |
|0 |Super Sonics |Richie Guerin |4 |
|0 |Super Sonics |Dick Farley |1 |
|0 |Super Sonics |Dick Estergaard |0 |
|0 |Super Sonics |Togo Palazzi |2 |
|0 |Timberwolves |Chuck Noble |0 |
|0 |Trail Blazers|Tom Pottenburgh |1 |
|0 |Trail Blazers|Jim Tucker |-1 |
|0 |Warriors |Red Kerr |0 |
|0 |Wizards |Gene Schwinger |1 |
|0 |Wizards |Lee Morton |5 |
|0 |Wizards |Don McLane |-1 |
|0 |Wizards |Buzz Bennett |4 |