I heard today that Outlaws gf is sick. I hope she feels better. Unfortunately a couple people in the league knew about it and didnt say anything. Im gonna move forward with John but Lawz is welcomed to take the next team if he wants.
I heard today that Outlaws gf is sick. I hope she feels better. Unfortunately a couple people in the league knew about it and didnt say anything. Im gonna move forward with John but Lawz is welcomed to take the next team if he wants.
I heard today that Outlaws gf is sick. I hope she feels better. Unfortunately a couple people in the league knew about it and didnt say anything. Im gonna move forward with John but Lawz is welcomed to take the next team if he wants.
Actually. Im angry. Play has said some disrespectful things. And im disappointing in some things Steve said and Im lumping Play with him. So Play I apologize.
Steve will need to apologize over text or on the forum to keep his team.